UNFOLDING was a nine-month pilot project that proposed a different method of specialized education for the arts. The participants were immersed in pure experiential learning under the guidance of seasoned artists and a counsellor. They observe and learn from their environment and the people around them.
UNFOLDING promoted mental health and well-being in teens by allowing them to experience the creation of the arts. We wanted to focus not only on the outcome of art creation but also on its process, in which participants were invited to look within and gain insights about themselves at social, emotional, spiritual, relational, and mental levels to unfold their highest human potential.
We explored different mediums such as pastels, watercolours, printmaking, graphic design, acrylics, pottery (clay), photography, community arts, land-based education, entrepreneurship, paper mache and piƱatas.

Also, we became part of Nuit Blanche East End in 2023 with our window installation, “What I See “, at Bare Market. Emotionart collective with Unfolding participants, the artist’s collaborators, the coach, and a few parents created our vision of how we would see the Danforth in 100 years. Some of us were very hopeful, and others were more catastrophic. Nonetheless, we respected our visions.
That is why Unfolding was created, to hold a space for creation, with freedom of expression, always respecting others. It was an excellent experience for the participants to see their work displayed in one of the most significant art events, as is Nuit Blanche; they felt very proud and happy to be part of it.

UNFOLDING built networks and partnerships with organizations like Muse Arts organization and Clic Clac Collective. The participants had the experience of doing one day of community work at the Perth Community and Heath Centre.

As part of our program, we had a summer cultural camp at Niimbki Aazhibikong from July 24- 28, 2023. We learned Land-based education guided by Isaac Murdoch. We visited sacred places where ceremonies were performed, and they are part of the heritage of the Obijwe culture. We learned about Objiwe during storytelling time and about medicinal plants and our impact on the Earth as part of the ecosystem.
Also, in Spanish, we visited a sacred place with pictographs and a residential school.

The exhibit, the impact on the participants.
We presented at Todmorden Mills 91 pieces displayed from December 19, 2023, to January 07, 2024. The works were comprised of photography, cyanotypes, watercolours, pastels, paper mache, the “What I See” installation, and digital work printed on canvas.

The participants created all the artwork in the studio. They built their portfolios as catalogues and presented their analogue and digital works.
For Emotionart, UNFOLDING is a very successful program because we observed how it improved the well-being of the participants by allowing them to learn in an environment that considered their emotions and feelings valid. They had the space to feel free to express themselves.

I witnessed them becoming very eager to start new art projects quickly. Their creativity and energy are ready to create easily without being hard on themselves.
Unfolding helped them build more confidence, and I am delighted with how they were very happy and proud of themselves during the final exhibition, where they had sales. All participants at least sold one of their artworks; I could see in their eyes and smiles that they were in Seventh Heaven.
Here is a little video of the Unfolding group and their feedback.